You are Fearfully & Wonderfully Created!

So what does it mean to be Fearfully & Wonderfully Created? We generally understand the “Wonderfully’ part but it may sound weird to say you are “Fearfully”made. The word “Fearfully” here doesn’t mean fear as we know it. The word in the original Hebrew text means to stand in “awe”. You are “awesomely” made by God!

David tapped into something that many of us don’t consider. Besides the fact that we are the most complex beings in the earth, our bodies, minds and souls were designed with unique DNA to connect with God, bring strategic solutions to global issues, to be agents of change, to relationally interact with others and so much more. God created each of us in love to have a relationship with Him. In that relationship we are fully defined, many are searching for their identity these days. However, when we look to other things such as drugs, sex and alcohol we are not fulfilled. Acts 17:28a explains, ”For in Him we move and live and exist.” The plans that God has for us are extraordinary, as we develop a relationship with Him we learn about who we really are, the plans laid out for our lives from the beginning and what is on the inside of us.

Have you ever considered how unique you are? More than likely not… we are our worst critics at times. The truth is that we are the most complex beings on earth! You are extremely important to God so much so that He took five days to create a an entire universe for you to inhabit and on the sixth day he created the most intelligent design on earth… you! Well there you have it, you are probably saying what now? Information is key, but implementation is priceless. The truth is that we have to build a firm foundation in order be what we were created to be. So many obstacles come our way in life, and honestly it becomes difficult at times to navigate. Having a firm foundation of truth in our lives, breaking out of negative cycles and moving full throttle into destiny helps you to fulfill your purpose in life.

Take some time to really think about who you are, the real you; void of all the Fake ID’s, apart from what they said about you and separate from your career or marital status. Who are you? The real you? We all have areas of our lives that we excel in and others areas… uhhh, not so much. This is a time a true self reflection in a no judgement zone. I want to encourage you to learn how to become the best you, the “You” that you were created to be from the beginning of time. We are going to take a journey in uncovering all that you were created to be. You may find that, that person is truly awesome, when life made you think otherwise!


Arise & Shine


Why is prayer important?