What on earth are you here for?

In the depths of our being there is a driving force that propels us to want more…. Have you felt it? That feeling inside that says there has got to be more to life than this! There is more than this pain, more than this poverty even more that I am supposed to be doing. At some point in life I believe that we have all felt the feeling of unfulfillment, asking ourselves what on earth am I here for? What am I supposed to be doing in life? You may not know know or have and clue but there is more inside of you than you think. Each one of us is uniquely designed for a specific purpose. Although we are not taught from birth to seek out why we are here, we have a responsibility to fulfill the destiny that we were created for.

Everything has a purpose, just look around your home almost every item you have in your house has a distinct purpose. Your television provides entertainment, your books shelf stores and organizes books and the refrigerator keeps items from perishing. We can even go further by pondering on the fact that trees and plants give us oxygen. Did you know that most flies, as bothersome as they are help to break down and consume garbage, human waste as well as decaying plants and animals.  We can go a bit further and look at bees; going from plant to plant they pollinate 30% of the world’s crops! So, what about you? Have you ever thought about what you are here for?  Each of us was designed by God for a specific purpose, our purpose is so much more crucial than that of a plant or a simple housefly.

If you take a moment and look around you can see that unique talents and skills are displayed in individuals all over the world. Whether to invent the latest technology, create the most famous painting or change world systems; there is something inside of you that the world needs. You may have a destiny that you have not yet tapped into. The amazing thing is, everyone has something to offer the world! Yes, believe it or not you have the “Secret Sauce” on the inside of you. The million dollar question is, “Do you know what on earth you are here for?” Do you know what your purpose is? I can assure you that your destiny is great. Many of us just go through life living day by day doing what we feel is best for ourselves, our families and our futures. Wouldn’t you want to know that you were fulfilling what you were placed on this earth to do? You have two choices; you can continue to go throughout life hoping that you will be guided to your intended purpose or you can seek out and discover your true purpose and begin to live life intentionally. What will you do?

Motivational speaker, author and pastor Myles Munroe said this,

“ …The wealthiest place on the planet is …the cemetery. There lie buried companies that were never started, inventions that were never made, bestselling books never written, masterpieces that were never painted. In the cemetery is buried the greatest untapped potential.”

It’s time to walk in your destiny, what legacy will you leave? I don’t pretend by any means to know have all the answers, with so many varying skills, gifts and talents out there. However, I believe that I can point you in the right direction so that you may begin to seek after the reason why you were created.

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