About Us…

Our company is passionately driven by the belief that the starting point to a better world is better people. We assist businesses & organizations in realizing their purpose within the communities they serve, which leads to greater global impact.

  • Enhancing the global community by awakening purpose, fostering creativity, sharing innovative solutions & building legacies.

  • To unearth clarity of purpose, identity & the way forward as a catalyst for change for our clients & the communities they serve.

  • Integrity




Meet the Founder

Renele is a mother of three, and author of three books, including The Process of Purpose explaining how God uses ordinary people to walk in extraordinary purpose. As a young girl, Renele always had a passion for healing those who are hurting, protecting children who are bullied and supporting loved ones in need. This compassion led her to explore opportunities to serve others.

Determined to discover her purpose in life, she began to work at various nonprofit organizations serving disadvantaged populations when the picture became clearer. She was blessed to assist a group of homeless under a bridge and journeyed together with them for six years.

Renele has had the opportunity to gain experience in the nonprofit, local, federal & international government where she served two Consul Generals at the South African Consulate General. She has worked to bring solutions to issues such as food security, homelessness, poverty, community development. She clear regarding her purpose on earth. Renele is a global solutionist designed to bring divine solutions to problems that have not yet been solved. She also assists and inspires others in gaining clarity of purpose to be all they were created to be.