Arise & Shine
Arise and shine, two powerful words that spring hope in the heart. Unfortunately there are times when we feel hopeless. The loss of a loved one, another break up when you thought he or she was the one, financial stress. All of those situations have the ability to overwhelm you, if you let them. I just want to encourage you today by the letting you know that there is ALWAYS something worth hoping for. Hope is so powerful, I was in a meeting today and one of our members shared an amazing fact. She said that they did a study on survival rates of people who had hope in traumatic life threatening situations. The survival rates of those with hope were significantly higher than those given over to despair. The truth of the matter is, sometimes, many times, it takes an intentional, driven and determined mindset to get out of bed in the morning let alone hope in what you cannot see. Can I be honest? When life rages it may take more than you to get up, that has been true for me. I’m sure you have done it… when that alarm clock rings you just pull the covers over your head and sleep another hour or two dreading what the day holds. So what do you do when everything in you says sleep another hour, snuggle up in those covers, keep those shades down?
When I say get up I’m really talking about more than just getting out of bed to start your daily activities. The alarm clock of your life is ringing now … it’s time to get up.. really! Sometimes getting up takes going deep to get to the root of issues that have been pressed down on the inside of you. Honestly, it takes courage to seek within the recesses our hearts and take a good look and ourselves. That's where we have to start, and trust me the freedom you will receive will be well worth it!
In devastating circumstances it takes strength beyond ourselves to pull the covers off, stand up and lift up the shades and keep it moving. Our will is very powerful. Take for instance the will to survive. I’m sure you have heard stories of people have been stranded in the forest face with life or death situations. Some sawed off limbs while others killed wild animals doing what was necessary to survive. The point is that God has placed in us the strength that we need to rise above any situation we find ourselves in. Be determined to go deep within your heart to seek out blockages to your success. Your light shining brightly helps others to shine. Let’s arise in Him…after all… You will never know what tomorrow holds if you don’t arise and shine today!
“Arise and Shine for the glory of the Lord has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.” Isaiah 60:1